May 22, 2011

France: Priority labels, postage paid

I got some more labels from France in the mail today. I hadn't seen the labels before today and I find them really interesting. They look like the other 'Prioritaire' labels, except the labels are kind of split in 2. The white side explaining that the postage had been paid* (*As far as I understand)

The labels come from a sheet of 57 labels.

Received in 2011.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

Whole sheet, click for bigger image.


  1. Interesting, i didn't seen them as well.

  2. Evaldas1982: Yeah. i think they are only used inside France as PP.

  3. are their self adhesive? i think i saw something similar but it was pre-printed on envelope

  4. Evaldas1982: Yes they are self-adhesive.
