Showing posts with label Ireland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ireland. Show all posts

May 2, 2011

Ireland: Priority labels, new font?

Like with the France labels below I noticed that some labels I got from Evaldas (myairmaillabels) looked different than the ones I have already posted.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

Labels I got in 2010:

As you can see the font is different.

January 3, 2011

Ireland: Stamp Booklet

These labels were kindly sent to my by Evaldas from the myairmaillabels blog.

The labels are currently also used in Ireland. They come from a stamp booklet of international stamps. 10 in total. As you can see they are much smaller in size then the other current labels I have posted from Ireland.

Year: ?, Self-Adhesive.