Showing posts with label Croatia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Croatia. Show all posts

April 17, 2022

Croatia: Airmail/Priority labels

Labels from Croatia. I think these may be from a roll? Or a very big sheet.

They have an id number and year on the back. 

Year: 2016, Self-adhesive.

September 19, 2019

Croatia: Airmail/Priority labels

Sheet from Croatia someone was kind enough to send.

It has id number and year on the back.

Year: 2017, Self-adhesive.

August 25, 2019

Croatia: Airmail/Priority from stamp sheet

From a stamp sheet that came with 4 stamps and 4 labels.

'Croatia's undersea world'

Year: 2014, Self-adhesive

Croatia: Airmail/Priority labels from roll

These come from a roll and were sent to me this year.

One the back they have both an number and a year.

Id number on back: No.01577

Year: 2013, Self-adhesive.

Croatia: Airmail/Priority labels

Same design as the others, but much lighter in color.

They come from a sheet.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

Croatia: Airmail/Priority labels

Like the other design, though the color is a bit different. This does have id number, year, and the name of the postal service on the end of the sheet.

Id number on sheet: P-26

Year: 2014, Self-adhesive.

Croatia: Airmail/Priority labels

Labels on a sheet. Unlike the others, this does not have an id number and I'm forgot to take note of what year I received it.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

Croatia: Priority labels

Priority labels

Id number on sheet: P-26a

Year: 2013, Self-adhesive

Croatia: Airmail/Priority labels

These I got in 2010-11 (I think)

I think it was around that time that Croatia changed their labels from only 'airmail' to 'airmail/priority'.

It number on sheet: P-26

Year: 2010-2011?, Self-adhesive.

Croatia: Priority labels

Priority labels from Croatia.

Id number on sheet: P-26a

Year: 2014, Self-adhesive.

December 28, 2010

Croatia: Airmail labels

I got these labels from Croatia this month. These were sent by the postal service in Croatia. At the same time someone else were kind enough to send me some too, but they were totally different and also said priority.

Received december 2010.

Id number on sheet: P-26

Year: ?, Self-Adhesive.