August 24, 2019

Finland: Airmail label

Older airmail label from Finland.

Year: 1991, Self-Adhesive.

August 23, 2019

Russia: Airmail labels

I think I got these labels around 2011.

They come from a sheet. Not sure how big.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

Italy: Airmail labels

I think I got this sheet back in 2010?

The labels are blue, and have a very mat surface.

The full sheet has 64 labels.

Year: before 2010?, Self-adhesive.

Norway: Priority/Airmail labels

Labels from Norway I received recently in 2018 I think.

They are from a roll.

Sadly no date on them.

Year: ? But newer, Self-adhesive.

Iceland: A airmail/priority and B Economy

Labels I got from Iceland this year. They look to be from a roll.

They look like the design from 2009/2010, except the A labels is smaller and the B labels is bigger.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

Greece: Priority A and B

Labels I got this year. 

Priority A and B. 

I'm not sure whether they are from a roll or sheet.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

France: Priority

I can't remember when I got these, but the great thing about them is that on the back they have both a label number and a date!

Design vise they look like the dark blue ones I got in 2011, except lighter blue.

They come from a sheet of 60 labels.

Year: 18/3-2010, Self-adhesive.

The back