August 25, 2019

Croatia: Airmail/Priority labels

Same design as the others, but much lighter in color.

They come from a sheet.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

Åland: Economy labels

Economy labels on a sheet.

Received in 2010-11.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

Croatia: Airmail/Priority labels

Like the other design, though the color is a bit different. This does have id number, year, and the name of the postal service on the end of the sheet.

Id number on sheet: P-26

Year: 2014, Self-adhesive.

Croatia: Airmail/Priority labels

Labels on a sheet. Unlike the others, this does not have an id number and I'm forgot to take note of what year I received it.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

Croatia: Priority labels

Priority labels

Id number on sheet: P-26a

Year: 2013, Self-adhesive

Croatia: Airmail/Priority labels

These I got in 2010-11 (I think)

I think it was around that time that Croatia changed their labels from only 'airmail' to 'airmail/priority'.

It number on sheet: P-26

Year: 2010-2011?, Self-adhesive.

Croatia: Priority labels

Priority labels from Croatia.

Id number on sheet: P-26a

Year: 2014, Self-adhesive.