December 24, 2010

Slovenia: Airmail labels

Someone over at postcrossing, kindly sent me labels from both Slovenia and Serbia. Thank you :)

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

These labels come from a roll.

New Zealand: Older labels

Some older labels from New Zealand. I'm not sure what year they are from, but I thinking somewhere in the 1970's. They are all part of bigger sheets.

Year: ?, Gummed.

Year: ?, Gummed.

Then we have some labels from NAC. According to Wikipedia it stands for 'National Airways Corporation'.

National Airways Corporation was the national domestic airline of New Zealand from 1947 until 1978 when it amalgamated with New Zealand's international airline, Air New Zealand...Today it exists as a 'paper' airline "Air New Zealand National" to manage that airline's domestic jet fleet.

Year: ?, Gummed.

December 21, 2010

Thailand: SAL labels

SAL labels from Thailand. I didn't even know Thailand had SAL mail until I got these labels :)

They come in sheets of 10.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

Iceland: Airmail and Economic

I got these labels from Iceland in the mail today.

They look to be from a roll.

Year: 2009/2010?, Self-adhesive.

Year: 2009/2010?, Self-adhesive.

Year: 2009/2010?, Self-adhesive.

Year: 2009/2010?, Self-adhesive.

I think the first two labels are used for international mail and the next two are used for mail on Iceland only?

December 19, 2010

Syria: Older airmail labels

These labels are part of a much bigger sheet.

Year: 1953, Gummed.

Vanuatu: Airmail labels

Back in March this year, I wrote a letter to the Vanuatu postal service asking if they would be willing to send some mail labels from their country my way. I included an IRC for the return postage.

I never heard back from them, so I assumed that the letter had gotten lost or that they just wouldn't reply (Sadly a lot of postal services do this)

But some days ago in my mailbox there was a letter from them :) Apparently there had been some mix-up and they apologized. They also included an airmail label.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

What I find a bit funny is that outside on the envelope they used a totally different airmail label.

From envelope:

December 17, 2010

Slovakia: Airmail labels

Sent to me by the Slovakia postal service.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

Then they also included some different 'Trieda Classe' labels. They come from both a roll and a sheet.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.          Year: ?, Self-adhesive.

Year: ?, Self-adhesive.